Главная » Товары » Uncategorized » Учебная работа № 37483. Отчет по практике Учебная ООО «Самаратрасстрой» г. Самара экономист

Учебная работа № 37483. Отчет по практике Учебная ООО «Самаратрасстрой» г. Самара экономист

Тип работы: Отчет по практике
Предмет: Экономика предприятия
Страниц: 31
Год написания: 2016


Тип работы: Отчет по практике
Предмет: Экономика предприятия
Страниц: 31
Год написания: 2016

Учебная работа № 37483. Отчет по практике Учебная ООО «Самаратрасстрой» г. Самара экономист

Введение 3стр.
Основная часть:
Глава 1. Организационно — экономическая характеристика предприятия ООО «Самаратрасстрой»
1.1 Характеристика хозяйственной деятельности предприятия .4-9стр.
1.2 Организационная структура компании 9-12 стр.

Глава 2. Оценка экономических показателей
2.1 Краткий анализ баланса организации 13-17стр.
2.2 Анализ финансовых результатов и рентабельности предприятия 17-29 стр.

Заключение 29 стр.
Список использованной литературы 30стр.
Стоимость данной учебной работы: 630 руб.
Учебная работа № 37483.  Отчет по практике Учебная  ООО «Самаратрасстрой» г. Самара экономист

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    Accordingly, judicial activity is essentially the last link in the chain of
    the crystallisation of the rule of law ..,it is the bridge between the
    necessarily abstract legal rule and the necessarily individual nature of
    the particular case,Every case is individual and every rule abstract,This doctrine obliterates any distinction between law and obligation or,
    more precisely, legal relationships,The latter constitute only the
    specific application of the former,This assimilation of legal material has
    a peculiar consequence for the presentation of international law: The actual content of international law is even more meagre than may
    appear from its presentation in text-books, when we consider that most
    rules of international law are concerned with a definition of subjective
    rights established by particular or general treaty,Rights of this nature
    would hardly appear in a presentation of a system of municipal law which is
    composed of abstract rules of an objective nature,There is thus an apparent tension at the heart of Lauterpacht’s concept
    of law,On the one hand, law lies in the legal relationships established by
    the parties inter se, while yet equally on the other hand, law comprises
    precepts which exist independently of the parties’ will,Further, Lauterpacht sees law as an imperative system, that is as a
    series of commands directed at the subjects of the legal system to regulate
    their behaviour,Given his adhesion to pacta sunt servanda as the
    fundamental presupposition underpinning the system, once a state’s
    agreement is given, whether tacitly or expressly, to a norm then the
    resulting rule binds the state independently of its will,Regardless of
    whether pacta sunt servanda is a customary norm or initial hypothesis, it
    constitutes a command, i.e,a rule existing independently of the will of
    the parties,It is of no consequence that in the international sphere the
    command does not issue from a political superior,Law may be a command
    without being the command of an organized political community ..


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